Thursday, May 26, 2011


You know what sucks? Having the hormones of a teenager. You know what sucks more? Having the hormones of a teenager in the last two weeks of school after a full year of sophomore slump. Uuuuuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. I feel irrational, over dramatic, and agitated. This is normal, right? I'm not the only nut case, right? RIGHT?! *deep breath* *deep breath* *deep breath* ok, sorry about that, it's just been a rough week and there's an even rougher week ahead. Next week is finals week, my English teacher is insane and I get so mad pretty much every class period (she's very hypocritical and expects too much), I have a violin recital tomorrow where I'm playing a really hard solo and I'm seriously stressed out! I'm so stressed out I'm not even really excited for summer, I'm too stressed to be excited for squat! Sorry, sorry, I got on a rant there. I'm not writing this blog post to complain about my problems (well not completely) I want to do two main things.

1. Apologize to the wonderful people around me being affected by my insanity.
I apologize to all you wonderful people that surround me; friends, family, Drew, your all wonderful and I have been a nut case for the past few days. If I have snapped at you, or freaked out in your presence I am sorry and thank you for putting up with me. You are all wonderful people.

2. Ask all of you wonderful people out there for one thing: HELP!
To quote the musical genius of The Beatles "Help I need somebody. Help, not just anybody. Help, you know I need someone. Help." If anyone out there has a cure for stress that works for you please share, please! I could use your words of wisdom.

Now, to thank you for reading this and to change to a happier note check out this video. It is officially the cutest thing I have ever seen, beating the little bunny at the beginning of the movie Hop who's playing the bongos (I love that bunny.) So anyway, check it out and feel happy :)

God Bless

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

School, Shopping, Theatre, And A Happy Book

     I hate this end of school, dragging on, slower that a slug pulling a 20 pound weight along sand period. My school gets out June third so I'm down to 8 school days!!! It feels like forever though. Its like in those movies where someones dreaming or something and their running down a hallway but it never gets any shorter. Doors are rushing past you but you never seem to make it any farther down the hall. If I'm that person running I am starting to lose my stamina and I'm about to pass out! Most of my teachers aren't too bad. Keeping it simple, not too much homework, and what-not. The only problem is my English teacher/ class. Somehow she thinks we are going to finish the book The Chosen in 8 days. We were supposed to read the first four chapters by today and from everyone I talked to, I'm pretty sure I'm one of two of the people who actually read the chapters. I'm also pretty sure I'm the only person who did the worksheets. We had four chapters and 3 worksheets due today plus I had an Algebra test this morning, ugh! so basically I was up until midnight and still didn't get all the work finished. I did finish the work this morning but I'm now sleep deprived and worn out. This was not my first late nighter from English in the last two weeks either. Last week the band Third Eye Blind was having a concert in my town. Considering no one cool ever comes to my town I had to go. I bought two tickets (one for me and one for my cousin Marissa) the day they went on sale. I was SO excited! Then my English teacher assigned a project on Wednesday that was to be due Friday and the concert was Thursday. Crap. So what did I do? Blow off the project like most teenager coming home from a concert at 10:30 PM tired and with a stomach ache? Nope. That annoying little goody-two-shoes inside of me was screaming "NO! You must finish your project! You can't turn it in late! NO!" So, I stayed up until 2 AM that night and still did not finish the stupid project. AND I had already worked on it for 5 hours before I even went to the concert. So I worked on it all day in any free time I could possibly scrounge up during the school day. Then after 10 hours of works, sleep derivation and my hand looking like a bag of skittles from the magic markers I used, I was finally done with the project. So to sum up all this rambling and ranting I just did: English sucks, I'm an extreme goody-two-shoes, and school cannot end fast enough! Phew sorry about that, I needed to let that go before my brain exploded like a grape being sat on by the worlds largest (and heaviest) teddy bear.
     Now that I'm back to a normal brain functioning state, I can tell you about my weekend. I had a great weekend!!!! Friday night me, my mom, my dad, and Drew watched Tangled. Have you seen that movie!? I love that movie!!! IT was the third time I've seen it and I still laughed out loud! **SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN TANGLED DO NOT READ THE SECTION IN ITALICS** So I feel the need to share my favorite parts of this movie with you. So favorite song? I've Got A Dream. My favorite scene? When Rapunzel and Flinn are in the boat and they are completely surrounded by the floating lights! So cool! I decided after that, that my wedding will have a ton of lights! So many lights you may say there are too many lights!!! (If you haven't already guessed I love lights.) You know I think I'm going to write a blog post about my dream wedding someday but for now back to Tangled. The funniest part in my opinion? When they go into the Snuggily Duckling (I love snuggily ducklings.) and she meets all the thugs and they sing about what their dreams are. My favorite thug? It's a tie between the one who collects unicorns and the one who wants to be a mime. Favorite character? Pascel the camelion, I love him. Favorite quote? "Is that blood in your mustache sir? Look at this Blondie, look at all the blood in this mans mustache. That is a lot of blood." said by Flinn. Ok I'm done now. Back to my weekend. That Saturday I was woken up at 7 AM (ugh!) and me, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin Marissa headed off to this city a few hours away from my town. The entire way there my mom and aunt were singing oldies. Most teenagers and young adults would be completely embarrassed and be driven out of their minds by this but me and my cousin loved it. We were singing right along with them. Songs by the Carpenters, The Four Seasons, George Harrison, and many others. Once we finally made it to our destination we went shopping. The enjoyable pass time of many girls around the world. We shopped and shopped and shopped. I got to go to Urban Outfitters. Have you been to that store? I love that store! I wish we had one in my town. Finally we had to leave so we headed to our hotel to change and then met my aunts two friends to go eat then we went to see.... *Drum roll* Jersey Boys!!! If you don't know what that is, I'm sorry. I loved that show! It's now tied for my second favorite musical with The Music Man after Legally Blonde the Musical. If you know me and my love for musicals that is a very high honor. The show was amazing!!!! Great music, great story great acting! If you haven't heard of it here is an informational video. Watch it and be informed:

Like I said, I loved it! Then after the show we were parked next to the stage door and when we were walking to our car we saw the guys leaving and I got all four of their autographs!!!! It was awesome! Just FYI the guys in the video are not the ones I saw. I saw a different cast but I loved the cast I saw. The next day all we did the next day was again shopping. We went to a different mall and shopped and shopped and shopped. It was awesome. I ended up buying this thing called The Happy Book. Its full of all kinds of prompts for you to write about what makes you happy. I decided to share a couple of the prompts with all of you when I find one I really like so you can all do it with me! I will also share some of my answers to the prompt :) Well I've written a lot and if you've made it this far I thank you! and congrats on being a Dailey Hailey super fan! I'll end with my first Happy Book prompt :)

The Happy Book by Rachel Kempster and Meg Leder:
Make a list of things that make you happy- anything and everything that makes you happy- small, big, profound, simple.

My Answer:
-Nachos and Frozen Lemonade at a baseball game.
-A new pack of Crayola Crayons (They have to be crayola.)
-That bubbly, happy feeling I get when someone gives me flowers.
-That feeling you get when you swing too high.
-Disney World
-When I get compliments on what I'm wearing
-Dressy Events
-Long talks about anything, nothing, and everything.
-Old movies
-Christmas Lights
-Pinkie Promises
-Just Dance with friends
-Blue Raspberry Dum-Dums
-The Nanny

God Bless

Monday, May 16, 2011

Elvis Presley Meets Luciano Pavarotti

Soooo I think this is really cool :) Yesterday I was looking at this cool little music box my aunt brought my mom back from Italy and few years ago. As I was listening to the music it sounded really familiar but I couldn't figure out how. So I looked the song up on youtube and I was listening to a man sing the song in Italian something clicked into my head. Earlier that day I had been listening to Elvis music while I was cleaning my room (I love Elvis!). So I got on my itunes and listened to the song Surrender by Elvis Presley and AHA! I got it! So listen to the songs for yourself :)

Now listen to this one, it's the song from the music box.

:)  :) :) :)
God Bless

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Poll!

Well I know its a tad late but there is a new poll! Vote for your favorite Dailey Hailey person! Here are your choices and why you should vote for them:

Why should you win?: "Cause I'm me."

Why should you win?: "Because I can spell Fez, because Fez's are cool"

Why should you win?: "I shouldn't."

Why should you win?: "Because I'm very lovable and cooler than Michelle."
My Mom:
Well you see the thing is I never actually asked my mom what she wanted to be or why she should win so... Ill just make her into Audrey Hepburn and tell you why I think she should win. She should win because she it the BEST mom ever! She is funny, cool, and just plain awesome. 

Vote! :)

God Bless

Monday, May 9, 2011

Shrek Is Friends With Disney Princesses

Hey! I know, I know I haven't posted in a long time! I've been either a busy busy bee or a very lazy bee. But no worries nothing real exciting has happend to tell you about. Well April's poll has a tie for its winner. Apparently you guys want to hear more about both school and church in my life. I'll try my best to provide that. For this post I don't really have much but I do have some new photoshop photos :) Enjoy!

Me and my friends as the cast of Shrek
Donkey: Drew
Princess Fiona: Michelle
King: King
Queen: Emily
Fairy Godmother: Sydney
Prince Charming: Charming
Puss In Boots: Me
Ginger Bread Man: Chavis
Shrek: Jake 

Disney Princesses!
Snow White: Tinsley
Ariel: Amy
Sleeping Beauty: Rebecca
Bell: Michelle
Jasmine: Emily
Cinderella: Me

My Friends As The Cast Of Friends The TV Show 
Phoebe: Rebecca
Joey: Brenden
Monica: Michelle
Ross: Drew
Rachel: Me
Chandler: Chavis

God Bless