Friday, March 11, 2011


     So... tomorrow is my birthday and I'm kinda well nervous! For like 3 reasons but really just kinda 2.
    1. Tomorrow is my Sweet Sixteen party. My best friend Rebecca and I were born one day apart. Me the 12th of March, her the 13th of March. So we decided to have a party together, and after over a month of planning its tomorrow! Oi! With all the hard work we put into it I hope its as fun as we are planning on it being. We rented out this place in our town with a big party room and a gym and we invited like over 50 people. We got some big speakers and a way to plug them into my ipod and some other stuff. Its a big deal and so far we have like 40 people coming that we know of. Tomorrow there is a bunch of things I have to go do: 1. Get passport (for a trip I'm taking this summer to Austria, we waited until I was 16 so it would last longer), 2. Pick up party favors, 3. Go to lunch for birthday with parents and boyfriend 4. decorate place 5. go home and eat dinner 6. change to Party clothes 7. PARTAY!!!!! lol. I'm excited.
      2. The most important test known to man... the drivers test. Ok well that's a little over dramatic but to me right now its a pretty big deal. I'm a pretty good driver. My mom took me out tonight to practice parallel parking, and I didn't hit anyone this time (long story). I'm not going this weekend but soon. Wish me luck!
      3. This is not really something I nervous about just like a Oh-my-gosh-I'm-turning-sixteen feeling. Its just kinda a big deal, between getting my license (knock on wood) and other responsibilities that come with its a a weird feeling. I was just thinking about how when I was little I thought I would never be 16 never have responsibilities but now... its here. Wow. Then I started thinking about my little cousin KamRay who just turned one not too long ago. I found out just a few days ago he's talking! He growing up so fast! Then I thought "hmm how old will I be when he turns 16?" I'LL BE 31!!!!! :O :O :O Oi!
     I had a pretty good "day before my birthday" day. School was well school but it wasn't too horrible. We got to watch "Roxanne" in my English class because we're reading the play "Cyrano de Bergerac." I love that movie so it was fun to watch the it (if you have not seen it you should!). Then after school I got the movie Shakespeare in Love which I've been wanting to see again! (I may start it tonight... maybe). Then my mom took me to get a soda at McDonald's :) Then I went to Drew's house and we walked to park near his house and just hung out and enjoyed the nice weather we had today then his family invited me to stay for dinner which was nice :) Then we watched "Rugrats" (LOVE that show!) until I went home. Then I got to practice some driving and then come home and just chill (which that's what I call sitting at the computer blogging). Also I wore this new shirt I got at American Eagle yesterday. Its White with some orange strips and it looks like a shirt from the 80's and its SO COMFORTABLE!!!! I love it! :)
     Well that's all I really have to randomly ramble about today. Don't forget to vote on the March poll! Who would rather have in your house? Paul McCartney :)? or a robot?

Paul McCartney of The Beatles!

A robot

Its a debate me and my friend Michelle got into one day in English because she had a button with a robot on it, on her ID lanyard and I had a Beatles button on mine. Please help us settle this :)

Photo's from: Robot - Paul McCartney

God Bless


  1. Sorry I'm a few days late, but hope you had such a fab birthday and an amazing night at your party!!!

  2. ROBOT!!!!!
    oh, and I haven'y seen rugrats in FOREVER!
