Sunday, June 26, 2011

We Zip Line In High Tops :)

     A few weeks ago while I was on my mission trip to Tennessee my dad experienced the big five-O, over the hill, his 50th birthday. I called him that day and my mom gave him his card and present from me but I still wanted to be able to actually celebrate with him. I mean you only turn 50 once. So as his present he was given the opportunity for the two of us to go zip lining! Yesterday we did :)

Me and my dad

We both wore our high tops

My dad


Getting on the platform

This ones my favorite

It was sooo much fun! I highly recommend doing it if your ever around a facility that offers it. And word of warning, wear sunscreen.

God Bless

Thursday, June 23, 2011

You Never Know Where Or When You'll Find Encouragement

     Yesterday my mom texted me about seeing a movie when she got off work. Sounded like fun but I had church at 6:30 and the movie wouldn't be done by then, so me and my mom decided to go today instead. So today around 4 we headed to Walgreen's to pick up some cheaper candy and headed to the theater in town that shows movies after they leave the regular movie theatres but before they go out on DVD. My mom choose the movie and choose the movie Soul Surfer. In case you haven't heard about the movie click on the video below.

When all this happened in real life I never really knew much about it. Up until just a couple years ago I was the biggest scardy cat I knew. No joke, I was like Chuckie from the Rugrats only blond, female, and not nearly as stylish (by the way if anyone finds a place that sells shirts like the one Chuckie wore let me know, PLEASE!). Anyway, because of my irrational fear of so many things my parents didn't really share the news of the girl who was attacked by a shark in Hawaii. I'm sure they would like me to actually get in the water next time we went to the beach. So pretty much the only way I really got to know the story of Bethany Hamilton was through seeing girls at my school read the book written about her story. With so little info about this story in my memory I wasn't exactly "thrilled" to see the movie. I wasn't disappointed to see it but I was jumping up and down protesting that they let us in the theatre ASAP. Turns out the movie was truly amazing! I loved it, but not because of the special effects, soundtrack, or amazing acting (but the acting was quite well done and I love AnnaSophia Robb if there is ever a movie made about me I want her to play me) I loved the movie because of the message. The message of how God gives you strength to do anything no matter what the odds. When you see the trailers you would never know about that message but it is truly the amazing and best part of the film. I recommend it to everyone, whether you need encouragement or you just want a good movie to see.
     I would like to share one more thing with you all. I can't explain it as well as JK Rowling, so if you have even the slightest bit of interest in Harry Potter go to :)

God Bless

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guess Who's Back!

Hey, hey, hey! I'm back! It feels great to be back in my own house, in my own bed, and in my own shower. Being an only child in a house where there is one shower for 3 people is a lot different from living with 49 "siblings" and there being 3 showers for 57 people. Though I'm happy to be home my mission trip was fun. We ended up going to Tennessee to do some tornado relief. It was an interesting experience. Here's some pics :)

Playing Game Boy on the bus

Bus fun with Rebecca and Sydney

B-b-b-Burger King!

She's special

Fun with play dough

Me and the lead singer of The Curtis Band

This is The Curtis Band

A cabin we got to stay in for like two nights

Beautiful sunset!

If you have any questions about my trip you can always e-mail me at I'm not exactly sure what to write about my trip so just e-mail me or comment.
     So I've decided to do a bucket list for my summer. I was thinking it would be fun to make one and then I thought I might try writing about it too. I'm thinking it might turn out to be a cool summer and I think I might actually be able to finish this story. You see I love to write but I have problems actually finishing stories. I guess I'll just have to see what happens :)
      Also this June will be Beach Boys June at the Dailey Hailey to celebrate summer! :) Happy Summer!

God Bless

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The June Poll

Hear the songs of the June poll:

Rhythm of Love

1, 2, 3, 4

Hey There Delilah

You and Me



Congrats to the winners of the May poll of Who Is Your Favorite Dailey Hailey Person, Emily and my mom!

AND congrats to the runners up Drew, Rebecca, and Michelle who all tied for second place.

I love all you guys!

Riddle Time!

Riddle! What do a chicken head, pink high tops, and a broken filing cabinet all have in common?

Answer! My Wednesday morning! Woo!

     The pink high tops are just the shoes I'm currently wearing but the chicken head and broken filing cabinet have to do with what we did in Journalism this morning. I spent two full class periods writing a movie script for a movie called A World Without Verbs! Our entire class was the cast and we spent an entire class period filming it. I played the dog and Bobo the 5'10 chicken (which was apparently wearing a floral skirt and pink high tops.) Emily was supposed to play Bobo but she was bein' a fudge butt and refused even after we changed the whole character just cause she refused to be a clown. Oh well. So the movie is about a young boy named named Little Johnny (played by Nurnberg our Journalism teacher.) Little Johnny is frustrated by his verbs homework and wishes for a world without verbs against his grandfathers warnings. But then... Little Johnny wakes up in a world without verbs and it turns out grandpa was right! Dum dum duuuuuuuuuuuum!!!!! Scary I know. So your probably asking the question right now what does a dog and a giant chicken in a skirt have to do with a world without verbs? Well as the dog I was the lovable pet and as the chicken... well as the chicken I was Little Johnny's hallucination. Yeah we come up with some weird stuff to do. So it looks like I have touched on all three of the things in the riddle except for one, the broken filing cabinet. Well we had to find something for Nurnberg to lay on and spin so we went to the shop room and took his rolling filing cabinet and used that. Well after about 4 turns the cabinet broke.... It was ok though one of the kids in my class TJ (who played Grandpa and Little Johnny's best friend Billy) was going to fix it.
     Well I will not be posting for a while after today. I am going on a mission trip and I'm leaving this Friday and will be gone for 10 days. Then I'll sleep the next 3 days after that to catch up. So Farewell for now the world of bloggers! I'll be back :)

God Bless