Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Riddle Time!

Riddle! What do a chicken head, pink high tops, and a broken filing cabinet all have in common?

Answer! My Wednesday morning! Woo!

     The pink high tops are just the shoes I'm currently wearing but the chicken head and broken filing cabinet have to do with what we did in Journalism this morning. I spent two full class periods writing a movie script for a movie called A World Without Verbs! Our entire class was the cast and we spent an entire class period filming it. I played the dog and Bobo the 5'10 chicken (which was apparently wearing a floral skirt and pink high tops.) Emily was supposed to play Bobo but she was bein' a fudge butt and refused even after we changed the whole character just cause she refused to be a clown. Oh well. So the movie is about a young boy named named Little Johnny (played by Nurnberg our Journalism teacher.) Little Johnny is frustrated by his verbs homework and wishes for a world without verbs against his grandfathers warnings. But then... Little Johnny wakes up in a world without verbs and it turns out grandpa was right! Dum dum duuuuuuuuuuuum!!!!! Scary I know. So your probably asking the question right now what does a dog and a giant chicken in a skirt have to do with a world without verbs? Well as the dog I was the lovable pet and as the chicken... well as the chicken I was Little Johnny's hallucination. Yeah we come up with some weird stuff to do. So it looks like I have touched on all three of the things in the riddle except for one, the broken filing cabinet. Well we had to find something for Nurnberg to lay on and spin so we went to the shop room and took his rolling filing cabinet and used that. Well after about 4 turns the cabinet broke.... It was ok though one of the kids in my class TJ (who played Grandpa and Little Johnny's best friend Billy) was going to fix it.
     Well I will not be posting for a while after today. I am going on a mission trip and I'm leaving this Friday and will be gone for 10 days. Then I'll sleep the next 3 days after that to catch up. So Farewell for now the world of bloggers! I'll be back :)

God Bless


  1. Sounds amazing! Can we see/read an extract? I'm interested to know how you managed a world without verbs haha!

    Have an amazing time on the mission trip!!
