When all this happened in real life I never really knew much about it. Up until just a couple years ago I was the biggest scardy cat I knew. No joke, I was like Chuckie from the Rugrats only blond, female, and not nearly as stylish (by the way if anyone finds a place that sells shirts like the one Chuckie wore let me know, PLEASE!). Anyway, because of my irrational fear of so many things my parents didn't really share the news of the girl who was attacked by a shark in Hawaii. I'm sure they would like me to actually get in the water next time we went to the beach. So pretty much the only way I really got to know the story of Bethany Hamilton was through seeing girls at my school read the book written about her story. With so little info about this story in my memory I wasn't exactly "thrilled" to see the movie. I wasn't disappointed to see it but I was jumping up and down protesting that they let us in the theatre ASAP. Turns out the movie was truly amazing! I loved it, but not because of the special effects, soundtrack, or amazing acting (but the acting was quite well done and I love AnnaSophia Robb if there is ever a movie made about me I want her to play me) I loved the movie because of the message. The message of how God gives you strength to do anything no matter what the odds. When you see the trailers you would never know about that message but it is truly the amazing and best part of the film. I recommend it to everyone, whether you need encouragement or you just want a good movie to see.
I would like to share one more thing with you all. I can't explain it as well as JK Rowling, so if you have even the slightest bit of interest in Harry Potter go to pottermore.com :)
God Bless
I REALLY want to see this!! Just looked up the UK release date & apparently it was June 17th, so it must be out.. but I've just looked up the four nearest cinemas to me, and NONE OF THEM ARE SHOWING IT. Not happy!!! Guess I'll have to wait for the DVD.