Thursday, July 19, 2012

Update on the Bucket List!

     Hey guys! Sorry It's taken me so long to post. My summer has been super busy with work and stuff and my summer has actually turned out to be pretty rough. But I'm posting now and I've actually accomplished some of the things on my bucket list!

16. See Brave in theatres:
      Me and my friend Sarah both LOVE Disney movies so we got together and saw Brave at the midnight premiere! Here is us with one of the triplets, they were my favorite characters! I would definitely suggest seeing this movie. I loved it and was actually super impressed and not at all disappointed.

18. Go to a baseball game:
     So my whole family loves the St. Louis Cardinals and my dad got some tickets to a game! It was a lot of fun and I got some great pics while I was there.
Great seats and fun with temporary tattoos!

I love my mom

Gotta love Busch stadium


Fireworks at the game!

20. Get gelato:
     Me and my friend Sarah went to get gelato downtown. I have loved strawberry gelato since I went to Eurpoe last summer.

22. Do senior pictrures:
     I got my senior pictures done! The shoot was so fun and I love all my pictures. I ca't post any quite yet but I hopefully will soon. I took photos at my church, the photoraphers studio, an antique shop downtown, and a really neat park where I even got into a fountain for a couple pictures.

23. Clean out my closet:
     I finally got around to celaning out all the clothes that either didn't fit or I just didn't wear anymore. After I finished I had 4 full trashbags of clothes and shoes that I plan to sell later at a garage sale.

24. Make my own popsicles:
     With the help of some of my friends I made my own popsicles out of orange juice and black cherry koolaid. They were so good!


After. Yum!

26. Go shopping downtown:
     Me and my mom went downtown to check out the shops. I got this awesome Great Gatsby shirt at one of the shops.

Still working on the list. I have about a month left before I start my senior year. Wish me luck! I'll need it.