Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello Internet!

      Hello internet world! Im very new to this whole blogging experience. I decided to try this, for practice. After I finish school im hoping for a career in journalism, so I thought this would be a great way to start. This isn't going to be a blog about anything specific, just about my life and every crazy twist and turn of my highschool life.
      I named my blog The Dailey Hailey after a project I did in third grade. My third grade teacher told us to do a family tree project. I guess i've always had a journalism brain, because I made a newspaper intitled The Dailey Hailey. I was so excited and proud of my work that I took copies to my neighbors.
     I guess to start all this off I should right a bit about me. Im an only child with two parents. I have one pet; a beagle dog named Milo. Im a very athletic person. Over the years i've participated in soccer, basketball, t-ball (like softball for little kids), volleyball, dance, and cheerleading. I also have been playing the violin for 5 years.
     I have so many friends its hard to chose one best friend. Theres Michelle, Marissa, Rebecca, Emily, Madie, Sydney, MoJo, and Drew. We are all crazy and probably fit into the clique "freaks". We all love having fun no matter what we're doing. We also laugh and talk a ton, probably too much, depending on who you ask.
     Now that you know a bit about me, I hope you enjoy The Dailey Hailey :)

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