Thursday, February 24, 2011

F Is For Friends Who Do Stuff Together

WARNING: This blog post is very long
  So I decided to do a post on friends today :) Friends aren't exactly "romantic" most times but they are lovable. I LOVE my friends!
     To start off I figured I would tell you about why I have been so nonposty (non-post-e) these past couple days. This past weekend my youth group put on a play called "Don't Rock The Boat." I played Miss Marshell, an insurance lady who tells the people on the cruise ship they aren't allowed to sail (spoiler: they don't listen to me) Sunday night was out last show. It was a lot of fun working with all my youth group friends. Especially my friends Rebecca and Sydney. Sydney played a crazy nurse who wanted to give everyone sea sick injections. she played the part very well :) Rebecca played the cruise director. It was a big part and Rebecca was pretty nervous so me and Sydney tried to calm her down the best way we knew possible; by acting stupid and singing :) We decided our motto for the play was going to be Hakuna Matata (which means no worries). Sydney and I kept dancing around singing Hakuna Matata in funny voices. It was quite fun! Sunday night after everything was cleaned up and we had eaten dinner a bunch of us went to our friend Ali's house to have a Just Dance party. It was so fun!!! We ended up playing until midnight. So since my post is all about loving friends I figured I should post about my best friends and just tell you how much I love them! First off is my best friend Drew :) Yes I know Drew is my boyfriend but before he was my boyfriend he was my best friend and he still is. "How do I feel about being your friend? I feel fantastic. Your my best friend. Decide the fact you have made me cookies before, you uh.. wait backspace, beside the fact that you have given me cookies your awesome in other ways too as a friend cause I know I can always depend on you and trust you and I do really like spending time with you like my definition of friendship." said Drew about being my friend.
     Andrew James
 Secondly there's Rebecca who has been my friend since elementary school when I would step on her feet during Celebration Choir practice at our church :) I love Rebecca she is so talented in photography and always makes me laugh. Plus she's always there for me just like Drew is. "I have to say that it can be really difficult cause Hailey can be such a mean horrible person sometimes, she'll step on your feet, she'll steal your computer, and take everything you hold dear. But in the end it's worth it, now in parenthesis say (her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she said that.)" said Rebecca about being my friend.
Rebecca Marie
Photo by my friend Ashley
Thirdly there is my mom. Yeah thats right my mom is one of my best friends. I love going shopping with my mom more than anyone else. I also love when we have girl nights and stay in and color in coloring books, or watch movies, or play Just Dance.
Melinda Sue (my mom) and me :)
Fourthly is Emily Jean Gold (I don't why I used her middle name, I just felt like it.) Emily has been my friend since sixth grade when we had orchestra together. She's very fun and shares my love of Elvis Presley. We also have this saying that we are three legged drunkin' cats, because once I said we had the combined cordination of a three legged drunkin' cat ans it just kinda stuck.
Emily Jean and me
Fifthly is my friend Michelle which is the friend i've had the longest other than my mom. I've known Michelle since Kindergarden, we've been friends since both our best friends moved away before third grade so we decided we should be best friends.  "Well, (haha) how about I just e-mail you or something cause this could take a while. It's a full time job and *thinking* Yeah." said Michelle about the joys of being my friend :)
Michelle Elizabeth (note the awesome red converse!)
Lastly is my best friend that i've had since birth! He has brown hair and loves the Cardinals baseball tema just like me! Also he's very good with hugs :) His name is Mr. Stuffy Wuffy but we call him Stuffy for short. He's my teddy bear, I got him at the hospital when I was born and he's been through a lot with me :)
Mr. Stuffy Wuffy Wilbert (Wilbert is his middle name of course)
Well I have more friends that I love but I figured I would just mention my top six.
     For a moment I would like to get off subject and mention that im currently writing this in my journalism class while listening to Disney songs on my Pandora, which is awesome!!!! Also if you have not made a Walt Disney station on your Pandora I very highly recomend it.
      NOW FRIEND Q&A!!! :)
Rebecca, how would you define friendship?
"Helping each other in crazy schemes and laughing at everything and eating sour skittles and taking embarassing photos of each other."
Michelle, how would you define friendship?
"Prepare yourself, i'm going to be deep. Trust. Sarcasm. Humor. Bananas. And support. and this Pikachu kitty. And patience."
Drew, how would you define friendship?
A friend is... someone who... someone you like and can trust and you actually care about them and like them and enjoy spending time with them and it does go deeper than that I jsut can't think right now.
Rebecca, how big role do you feel sour skittles play in a friendship?
"Well, long story you see (haha) me and Mallory and Sarah were eating sour skittles on Choir Tour, it was the first night of Choir Tour, and we thought it would be interesting to film each other making ridiculous faces a we ate ten sour skittles all at once."
Michelle, how did you get so deep?
Years an years of trying my hardest to be a f-r-i-e-n-d. Deep much? You know what' really deep? That cat, meh. *pulls up picture of cat* This cat  the story of my life.
Rebecca, how do you spell friendship?
F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue... United States of America. Deep gray actually cause its a gross day.
Drew, how do you spell friendship?
How do I spell friendship? Uh, f-r-i-e-n-d-s-h-i-p. Or c-o-o-k-i-e-s.
Michelle, define "banana".
A banana is a fruit that grows on trees. It is also a word one uses mainly when thinking of a random word which really makes it unrandom and only benifits the speaker when he or she is trying to banana think of the next word. You should italizies banana.
Drew, how do you feel about the word banana?
Well, I feel that the word banana is a very lively word. It makes me think of eating a banana. So ill hear banana and think 'wow what a lively word'. Lively and exciting."
Drew, do you feel there is any relation between friendship and cookies?
Sometimes friends give eachother cookies. And I would like my friends to give me cookies more often.
Drew, what is your favorite type of cookie?
My favorite type of cookie is chocolate chip. Homade chocolate chip.
Thanks to Rebecca, Michelle, and Drew for answering my odd by somewhat fun questions :)
     Here is some fun friendship quotes I thought I would share :)
"A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting next to you saying "boy was that fun.""
- The Maugles
"Best friends are those who, when you show up at their door with a dead body, say nothing, grab a shovel, and follow you."
 -Author Unknown
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
 -C.S. Lewis
"There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."
 -Charles Dickens
"When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares."
 -Henri J.M. Nouwen (The Road To Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey)
"Why did you do all this for me?" he asked. "I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.'
You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing."
-E.B. White (Charlotte's Web)
"I have one last hope for you, which is something that I already had at 21. The friends with whom I sat on graduation day have been my friends for life. They are my children’s godparents, the people to whom I’ve been able to turn in times of trouble, friends who have been kind enough not to sue me when I’ve used their names for Death Eaters. At our graduation we were bound by enormous affection, by our shared experience of a time that could never come again, and, of course, by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for Prime Minister."
 -J.K. Rowling
"Once she was gone, I knelt next to Annabeth and felt her forehead. She was still burning up.
"You're cute when you're worried," she muttered. "Your eyebrows get all scrunched together."
"You are not going to die while I owe you a favor," I said. "Why did you take that knife?"
"You would've done the same for me."
It was true. I guess we both knew it. Still, I felt like somebody was poking my heart with a cold metal rod."
 -Rick Riordan (The Last Olympian)
"Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. It is almost the equal of family."
 -Mario Puzo (The Godfather)
"But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them."
 -J.K. Rowling
I would like to take this time to tell you that if you are ever in the need to find quotes I would sugest using the website
     Lastly (I promise, last thing) I thought I would just show some famous friendships :)

*Me, Rebecca, and Drew                        Miranda, Lizzie, and Gordo


Ron, Harry, and Hermione                   *Me, Rebecca, and Drew
                  Me and Rebecca         Ethel Mertz and Lucy Ricardo                           
March Hare and Mad Hatter                          Me and Michelle         
    Simba and Nala                               *Me and Drew
Milo (my dog) and me                                   Steve and Blue     
Emily and me                                         Mushu Cri-kee

If you made it all the way through this, YOU ROCK!!!! Sorry for how long it was.

Friend photos from here: Lizzie McGuire - Harry Potter - I Love Lucy - Mad Hatter - Lion King - Blues Clues - Mulan

~You can check out moer about both Michelle and Rebecca at their own blogs. Just click on their names to go to them :)    Rebecca - Michelle

*Photo by Rebecca
God Bless

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines Day

     Ahh! I'm so sorry its taken so long for me to blog! I've been swamped all week between making up work from classes I missed for stuff, and I'm in a play and I've had rehearsal every night this week. My sincerest apologies.
     Well since I have not yet posted about it, I shall post about my Valentines day. Its not the most exciting story but I would have to say it was the best Valentines day yet for me :) School was... well school, but I did hand out those fun trading Valentines. Ya know the ones we would put in everyones awesome little homade Valentines day boxes? Ah I miss that, don't you? I loved Loved, LOVED! making those boxes. I'd have to say the favorite one I ever made was one that looked like a TV set! It was awesome. I also really liked this one I made that was a giant envelope. I didn't get to make a box this year but I did get some awesome Valentines. They were 3D and groovy :) Also at the end of the day in my English class they handed out these Valentines that they sold at lunch the week before Valentines day. I ended up getting one from Drew! It was so sweet it had some chocolate kisses and a beautiful poem. After school I had to go to my violin lesson and Drew had to go to this Junior Youth Symphony practice he had so we didn't get together until later that night. I went over to his house and we exchanged gifts and we just hung out and watched Pretty In Pink; my favorite movie :) It was a great night. I made him a CD called Old School Jams (which is the name of the playlist on my ipod that me, him, our best friend Rebecca, his little brother Denver, and our moms listened to on our way to an amusement park this summer. It's when me and Drew first realized how similar our music interests are. I also made him a card. He loves Batman so I drew a bunch of Batman related drawings.

Here's the cover of the CD I gave Drew

Here's the back with the list of songs on the CD

Here's the card I made Drew
I also made some cookies with my grandma and decorated a couple to give to Drew. I mad one the Batman symbol using icing, sprinkles, and these Reese's things. Drew gave me some chocolates, flowers, and two stuffed animal moose (moose is my favorite animal). It was so sweet and I loved them!
These are the flower's Drew gave me, aren't they beautiful?!

This is the two stuffed moose Drew gave me. I named them Mooses and Meese (like geese but with an "M")

    So I'm still doing my romantic February. I'm sorry to say I haven't gotten any more e-mails. I hope you guys still will e-mail me. Still e-mail me at Also you can still vote for the best couple. You can chose Romeo and Juliet, one of the most famous (if not the most famous) couple in the world. I read the play last year in English 1. Not the best story in the world in my opinion but it was still a good story, and very interesting to read. You can chose Bella and Edward from Twilight. When it comes to Twilight I firmly believe in the clever saying "don't judge a book by it's annoying obsessed fan girls". I read the Twilight books and really really liked them! The movies aren't very good and the fan girls suck but the books are awesome! You can chose Jack and Rose from Titanic, which by the way is on ABC Family tomorrow night. Titanic is an amazing movie, I really like it, its a wonderful love story and I also thoroughly enjoy the history with it. You can chose Noah and Allie from The Notebook. A wonderful movie. A great story of love. I must admit I cried... Lastly you can chose Me and my boyfriend Drew. Which I'm sure you've heard enough about us to make your own decision if not or you want a recap of me and Drew click here
     Well I'm off to my last rehearsal before the play this weekend. Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day, Id love to hear about it if you'd like to e-mail me about it :) 

God Bless   

Saturday, February 12, 2011

That's How You Know They Love You

Hope your all having a lovely February so far :) I know mines quite busy. Well I got another e-mail! I'm so happy you guys are e-mailing me :) I really like this one because its from a girl who is single and good with that. I found it inspiring and I hope you do to.

Hello Hailey!

Hi, hello, my name is Anonymous 2 and I have been single my whole life. I saw your post and found it as a chance to ramble about my love life.Ha ha...that's rich, I don't have one.=D There was a guy or two in middle school that I asked my parents to release me from my "you can't date your only 12" cage. Looking back, I'm so glad they didn't let me date.

I read this book my best guy friend gave me on christian dating and one guy's view on it. It made me realize that there's so much more to dating than a cute, nice, guy. With God at the center of his life his actions, his words... that's the guy I want to date, when the time is right. And marry, also when the time is right.

That said guy best friend is dating this great girl who is also a good friend of mine.I've seen a change in both of them, they are happier.They have also brought each other closer to God. And through our friendship, me as well. I am a tad jealous, not of my guy bff, but both of them to have such a lovely sweetheart.

Guy Bff(that's his name) has been egging me on to date one of our friends; today he told me I should go to a dance with that said guy as friends.His girl and him started dating after a school dance, going as friends.(Odd huh?) I just don't like him like that and don't see him as a future husband/ best friend.I don't know why they are slightly pressuring me to date this guy, but I honestly can't fit another person into my life right now anyway.  

I hope you and your boyfriend Drew have a lovely Valentine's Day and hope you guys can be together as long as it's God's will for you to be.I hope someday I can have a relationship as great as your guys, or my friends I mentioned.(=

Anonymous 2

All I can say is you go girl! Clique I know but hey its relevant :) Thank you anonymous 2 for the example of being single and good with it. I wish you the best of luck. Keep e-mailing me guys! I love this! I love hearing your stories! E-mail me at
     Well last night was my school's LPA (Ladies Pay All) dance. The theme was Across The Universe (no not like Beatles song or movie but just space themed *sigh*) It was kinda lame but I still had fun hanging out with Drew and my friend Sydney. Also my best friend Rebecca came and helped me get ready before the dance. Rebecca was also the photographer as well as helping me look pretty. Here's the pictures :)
Getting Ready

Nails by Rebecca

Me in my dress

I got him a bootineer, idk how to spell that....

It took me a little while to get it on him...

Rebecca is an AWESOME photographer

He looked VERY handsome

Close up

Rebecca made us pose

All the photos were taken by Rebecca, click on her name to check out her blog and see even more of her awesome photography!
     So I'm currently watching the movie Enchanted, a very good movie over all but something specific jumped out at me this time as I was thinking of my blogs theme for the month. The song she sings "That's How You Know" Its always been my favorite part but then when I really thought about it I thought "that's actually some good advice."

For all of you out there that have that "special someone" its wonderful advice. Also I just wanted to point out that I LOVE the part with the older people and the note and the flowers :)
     I hope you all enjoyed today's post :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Sweetheart Story

     I was so excited today! I got onto my e-mail to find a love story e-mail!!! I'm so happy to have gotten one and I would love to share it with you :)

Dear Dailey Hailey, 
     I've been dating my sweetheart for a while now. Before our relationship began, we were pretty good friends. We are brother and sister in Christ, and we base our relationship on Godliness. We both try to do the best for each each other. We respect each other, and we're best friends. I hope our relationship will last a very very long time. This girl is completely perfect for me and I love her. She is one of the most important people in my life. This will be our first Valentines Day together. Before I decided I would ask this girl out, we were just friends. She had recently gone through a super tough time in her life, and I wanted to be there for her, so I did my best. I showed her Scripture and that helped her. We actually have a special verse, like most couples have their songs! After that, I found that I might be interested in being in a relationship with her. I started looking for traits in her that I would eventually look for in someone I could spend the rest of my life with. I take dating pretty seriously. Dating is really just preparation for marriage, so I don't waste anything. She has the traits I was looking for! And to top it off, I've never met anyone who is more like me than she is! A long time later, I asked her out and she said yes. I was amazed that someone this wonderful would say yes to me! From the moment I asked her out, I decided that I would treat this realtionship like it would be the last one I would ever have. I don't know what the future holds, only God does. But I intend on carrying out this relationship to the end. I guess we'll see what god wants for us. Jeremiah 29:11, I suppose. Anyway, that's my story. Happy Valentines Day!
Sincerely, Anonymous.

Thank you very much Mr. Anonymous for sharing your story. This girl of yours sounds very lucky to have such a sweet guy like you!
     I hope you all enjoyed reading this guy and his girlfriend's story and I hope you all share your own stories with me cause I would love Love LOVE! to hear them. E-mail me at
     Well Valentines Day is coming up so people are all looking for that "Valentine." Some already have theirs, they have their special someone to be their Valentine but there are some out there who don't have that person and are actually looking for that Valentine. Finding someone to be your Valentine can be very hard. I remember being a little girl in elementary school and going around just flat out asking boys to be my Valentine and generally getting turned down. But now-a-days its not that easy. So what do you do? Send a card, write a note, give flowers? Its always hard to know and I'm sorry to say I don't have the answer. The only advice I have to give is don't sell yourself short. I may not personally know you but I still know you are unique and worth so much. Don't ask someone you don't want to be with just because you think its the only person you'd have a chance with. I believe there is someone out there for everyone, someone that's worth all you are. Just trust in God and have faith that he will find you the right person. Now you may not find him/ her right away and dating someone else before you find that "one" is always fine, just don't settle for someone who you don't want. You don't need to be with someone in a romantic sense on Valentines Day, spend the day with your friends. This Friday there is a dance coming up at my school, this morning I was talking to my friend Annie* and she said her boyfriend was grounded but that she's still going to her dance. One of her best friends Niki* just got broken up with so Annie* asked Niki* to be her date. Their going to the dance as friends and their going to have tons of fun! Annie* is wearing a pant suit and bow tie and Niki* is wearing a dress and their going to dance the night away and act silly. That same kind of idea can be added to your Valentines Day plans. Call up another single friend and rent a chick flick, go go karting, see a movie, have a girls night (or a boys night.)
*Names have been changed
God Bless

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Romantic February

     Well its February. Whats February most known for? Valentines Day of course! So a lot of stores and businesses everywhere are having sweetheart sales and themes and such. Well I'm gonna do the same with the Dailey Hailey. I love romantic stuff, I'm a sissy. I love chick flicks and cheesy cliche romantic stuff. I wanna hear from you. I wanna hear your most romantic stories, your boyfriend/ girlfriend stories, whatever!
     February is a month for boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands, etc. Everyone thinks their significant other is the best. I know I do. I feel my boyfriend is the best boyfriend in the world and in my mind he is but I know there is probably another girl out there that is ready to challenge me on that and say her boyfriend is the best. Well I want to hear about it. If you think you have the best boyfriend or the best girlfriend or the best wife, husband, etc. e-mail me. Tell me about that special someone and why you think their the best. Your story could be told on here or your special someone could be one of my top ten. And if you just wanna tell me about that special someone and it not be on the blog that's cool too, id still love to hear about them :) My e-mail is
     Well for the month of February for my romance theme I'm going to be talking about my favorite romance movies, books, traditions, etc. So for all you romantics out there hope you enjoy it :)

God Bless

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

     Well its another beautiful snow day here in my little part of the world. We has a snow day yesterday too but there is something better about today's snow day... I'm not as sick! Yay! I've been sick since Sunday and I am sick of being sick. I have had a fever, a horrible sore throat, and a cough. The fever hasn't been a big problem, actually it was the least of my worries with being sick. The sore throat was the worst of it. It hurt so bad that it I would want to cry (and sometimes did) every time I coughed. Drinking liquids would make my throat hurt but not drinking would make my throat hurt more. I drank so much Sprite, Gatorade, and water. Yesterday morning I had already drank 5 Sprites by the time noon came around. Yesterday I had even lost my voice. The house was a lot more quiet than usual. Today I am a lot better. My throat has pretty much stopped hurting all together, I still have my cough but its not really painful anymore, and I don't have a fever. I can also talk again. I sound horrible and have a voice like a 30 year smoker and a cough to match. But I can talk, so I would say that's an improvement.
     This morning me and my mom played Disney scene it, cause she didn't have to go to work today cause of how bad the snow is. After we finally figured out how to play we had fun with it. I kicked my moms butt. I know my Disney through the whole game I only missed like 5 questions at the most. After we finished my dad, who went to work this morning, brought us McDonald's for lunch and some movies from the Red Box. The first movie we watched was the one I chose, Flipped. I had seen commercials for it and really wanted to see it. My parents hadn't heard of it but watched it with me because of lack of other things to do, and maybe some interest. Personally I really liked it. I thought the movie had a good story, good music, good actors, and was just an over-all good movie. The movie was a love story but its between to kids in the 60's and I thought it was pretty funny and interesting and not too mushy. But then again I love mushy, my boyfriend says I'm a sissy, so whatever I think is not too mushy may still be too mushy for some. You'll just have to watch the movie and decide for yourself. The second movie we decided to watch is the movie we're watching now, How To Train Your Dragon. I've heard its a very good movie but I haven't made a decision for myself yet, ill have to watch some more before I decide.
     Monday was the last day to vote on me and Rebecca's  Secret Project Of Awesomeness. The results are:
Favorite Fashion Theme- Lady Gaga
Favorite Outfit- A tie between my Lady Gaga outfit and Rebecca's classic outfit
Favorite Model- Me
Thanks so much to everyone who voted. I hope you all enjoyed me and Rebecca's Secret Project Of Awesomeness.

God Bless