Thursday, January 27, 2011

WARNING: This Blog Post Is Mushy AND Gushy!

     As a kid most girls watched movies like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. Whats one thing these movies have in common? Both are love stories. Growing up with these kinds of movies many girls start thinking about their very own "Prince Charming" or "dream guy". The guy of their imagination will change overtime but for the most part the guy stays the same. I like most girls had a prince charming, though he wasn't a prince. The whole idea of dating a prince seemed a bit over rated to me, plus not enough privacy. But I always imagined my guy to be charming. My "regular guy charming" was imagined to be smart, have the ability to make me laugh, handsome, sweet, respectful, chivalrous, with brown hair and brown eyes, and optimistic, plus many other adjectives. Also as time has gone on the most important adjective has been added, which is for him to have a good relationship with God.
     This summer I became really good friends with a guy I'd known since 6th grade. We had gone to the same school and acknowledged each others existence but never really talked. Last year we talked a little more during debate but never really got to know each other well enough to become good friends. Then last summer we started texting and in almost no time after that we were best friends. We talked all the time. We came to find that we had a lot in common, like A LOT, a lot! so much that's its almost scary... Then a few days before school started me and my boyfriend of the time broke up, my friend helped me through that and when I had gotten over my ex me and my friend became even closer.
    I had come to develop a crush on my friend. I had, had a huge crush on him last year before I started dating my ex boyfriend, and it was coming back. Then homecoming was on the horizon. I was planning on just going with my friends, then my friend asked me to go to the dance with him as friends. I was excited but I wasn't gonna push a relationship. I valued this friendship too much. We went to homecoming and had a GREAT time! Then that weekend me and him were talking about how fun homecoming was and were trying to see if we could come up with anything that could top it. Then the next Monday we got to school. Like a lot of days we have orchestra we were walking down to the orchestra room to put up our violins. He said "ya know I think I have an idea of something that will be better than homecoming." I asked what, with seriously no clue what was to come next. Then... he asked me to go out with. Shocker right?! Ok now I'm sure you were probably expecting that, but truly I wasn't at the time.
    Now its February 27th and me and Drew (that's his name) have been dating for four months. Drew, is my "regular guy charming" but he's not so regular. He's awesome! He is exactly the guy I imagined when I would think of my dream guy. It's been four great months and I'm excited for the rest of the relationship.
     I apologize for the mushy-ness of this but I felt this was a good story to be told :)
Drew in 8th grade with his mask he made in French

Me and Drew back in 8th grade

At a debate tournament

Me- 80's workout girl
Drew- Garth from Wayne's World
Picture by Rebecca Marie

Photo by Rebecca Marie

Our first Christmas together

Me and Drew this summer

Football game


God Bless


  1. Ah, I love!:)I hope my Prince Handsome, funny intelligent,kind & loving (+british?:D) and I will find each other someday.Also, that he loves God more than me is the most importante thing.I love you both a lot.(=
