Saturday, January 1, 2011

Some Advice For The New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great New Years Eve and slept in very late today. I know I did. I personally was woken up around 1:30 in the afternoon today, I think that may be a new record for me, maybe. Well it's a new year!!! Did anyone make any new years resolutions? I didn't really. Mine was basically keep trying my hardest to be the best Hailey I can be! I feel its a good resolution, also I think it's one I can stick to! As well as trying to be the best Hailey I can be I feel I will try to make 2011 the best year yet (try is the key word there). I mean why not! I'm defiantly not going to attempt to make 2011 worse than any other years. That would be just down right pessimistic and I try my hardest to be optimistic! Well mostly my post today is just saying Happy New Year and my usual ramblings, but I do have one insightful thing to say (or at least it's insightful in my opinion.) Don't waste the next 364 days that lie ahead of you! Try new things, meet new people and just try to enjoy life! Don't be afraid of something just because its new and never try to be anyone your not! I remember when I was younger I was shy and wanted very much to fit in. I had only a few friends and only 1 best friend. I tried to fit in with the "popular crowd" and never seemed to make any progress. On day around 7th grade I gave up on that and accepted my fate as a "weird-o". Next thing I knew I made new friends, became better friends with old friends, and started really enjoying school and everything else I did. I've come to find that I love being different and that the "popular crowd" is all just a matter of opinion. I love my friends and really like being a "weird-o" or a "nerd" or whatever people wanna label me as. Truth is, "just be yourself" is actually very very good advice :)

Now to tell you about my New Years Eve events, in pictures!

NOT A REAL TOILET!!! It was a funny water fountain at this place we went to.

It's science!

Playing with tops!

"Science is heavy!" ~Drew

3D glasses from the movie theater with the lenses punched out

Me and Drew

Where's his other eye???

I think he looks kinda like Clark Kent in those glasses

I don't know what this color is but its called Cyanotype on my camera

Well that's how I spent my New Years Eve and I think it was a pretty good one :) I hope yours was good too!

God Bless

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