Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crescent Dragonwagon And The Day Of Many Phone Calls

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! As you can probably tell by my "grrrrrrrrrr" I'm frustrated. For my debate squad I do an event called storytelling. Its a lot like what it sounds. I have to tell a children's story in my own words and it must last 8 to 10 minuets. Well I did this at one other tournament and advanced to semi-finals. Today when I check the roster for what I was doing the tournament coming up this weekend I was entered in 3 events which can't happen. I can only do two. Personally I wanted to do my prose and my HI which I like a lot more than storytelling, but because I advanced last time I did my storytelling my coach wants me to do it *sigh*. So tonight when I got home I got online to check for the book at my library because I don;t own it and that's how I got it last time. Well last time they didn't have it and had to order it from somewhere else and it took like over a week, well I don't have a week this time I have until Friday. So just like last time the library didn't have it. I called the library just to double check. Still no. So I called Barnes and Noble and Borders, neither store had the book. So I called the local university's library, nope. So I was freaking out a tad... a bit... ok quite a bit!!! So I was gonna text my coach and tell her I couldn't do my storytelling. Only thing is I'm afraid of her. So I decided before I give her reason to kill me I would try and type out as much as I could remember. Luckily I pretty much remembered it all and in storytelling you tell the story in your own words so I don't have to have the words exactly right. phew!! So I called the library back to ask them to order the book from another library out of town and have it shipped there so I can get it for another time I need to do it. The lady was very nice, looked it up, and said "ok looks like I can order that for you from the university, we'll call you when it comes in." I said thank you and hung up the phone then very loudly (my parents were not home at the time) I yelled "THE UNIVERSITY!?!? I CALLED THE UNIVERSITY!!!!!!" Grrrrrrrr. So now I officially hate the book I Hate My Brother Harry by Crescent Dragonwagon. Yes Crescent Dragonwagon is the name of the Author. Oy! I chose that book because my coach said it would be and I quote "perfect for me." I don't see how, the whole story is about a little girl who hates her brother, I'm an only child!!!! Why couldn't I have done Little Red Riding Hood or something? Oh well. What's done is done. And now I will go read The Hunger Games and go to bed. Goodnight.

God Bless


  1. yes, because a creepy chick in a red outfit who likes to blame things on a poor unsuspecting wolf is more your style...

  2. Well at least she didn't have any brothers or sisters that are known of in the story...

  3. Wait don't you always say Milo is your brother? Oh dang did you finally realize he was a dog? ;) jk

  4. Well Milo never told me there were snakes in my bed who would come out at night when I wrinkle the blankets and wrap around my neck
