Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Heart The Nanny

     I love sleeping in and the ability to sleep in comes in very handy when your trying to catch up on a little sleep on the weekend, but it can also be a curse. Yesterday I woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon, causing me not to be tired when night came around. At 10:30 PM my mom went to bed and left me to watch TV. As I like to do most night's I watched The Nanny on Nick At Night. The Nanny's an old show but I love it!!! It may be my favorite show. I'd say its between that and Bones. Well if you've never seen the Nanny I highly reccomend it to you. This is the beginning of the first episode:

 if you wanna see the rest of the episode you can at . By the time I turned the TV off and tried to fall asleep it was 1 AM, and still it took me forever to fall asleep. Then this morning my mom needed to go to church early so I had to get up somewhere around 7 I think. Im not really sure I was too tired to actually look at a clock. Well at least Ill probably have a better time of falling asleep tonight.
     If your a Harry Potter fan be sure to check out my Song Of The Day, I think you'll really enjoy it :) A short post today, I just wanted to share a little of my love of the Nanny with you.

God Bless

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