Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da Life Goes On

j'écris ceci tout en français. J'ai utilisé réellement un traducteur pour toute la ceci parce que quoique j'aie pris à Français pendant deux années de rememeber d'I rien lui ! Tellement ouais, sachez ce qui est un mot d'amusement ? pétillant. Son ainsi amusement juste à dire ! Ok im allant aller de nouveau à l'anglais parlant.

      You have no idea what I just said do you? That's right I took two years of French. Ok truth is I don't remember much french at all and I used an online translator for all that. Wanna know what it says? You'll just have to put it in a translator for yourself :)
     Ok so I have these two songs stuck in my head!!! They have been stuck in there for a few days now. I love them. The songs are Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da by The Beatles (which is also the song of the day) and Jar Of Hearts by Christina Perri . Love love Love LOVE!!!! <3 And speaking of my Song Of The Day, did you all see my song for yesterday? I loved it! and if you love The Sound Of Music you will have loved it too, and if you do not love The Sound Of Music I don't understand you at all. Just in case you didn't see it, click here. All I can say is lay ee odl lay ee odloo :)
     So last night at church Drew said he was gonna wear those glasses that he got from the 3D movie we went to on New Years Eve to school today and said I should wear something "different" as well. So I thought about it. Well ya see I always straighten my hair. I have straightened my hair pretty much everyday for over 5 years. So I figured hey I just won't straighten my hair! I forgot how much I dislike my hair natural. Its fluffy. Fluffy is generally one of my favorite adjectives along with shiny, sparkly, and pink. But fluffy is not one of my favorite adjectives when it comes to my hair. I went well enough, I guess. I got a couple compliments, a couple strange looks, and one guy saying my hair reminded him of white gold... that one was weird. Here's a pic,

     Also today I made a new playlist for my ipod entitled A Beatles/ Elvis experience. Its all of my Beatles and Elvis songs together in one playlist. If you don't know The Beatles are my favorite band EVER and Elvis is my favorite singer that's not in a band. The playlist has 145 songs on it. It will take 6.4 hours to listen to the whole playlist continuously. I really love the Beatles and Elvis (along with Queen, ELO, Patsy Cline, Beach Boys, and others). My favorite Elvis song is Return To Sender . And just to clarify, I'm talking about Elvis Presley. I love Elvis! I spent last Sunday night at my friend Emily's house watching Elvis movies and talking about how cute he was. If Elvis was younger, not famous, and still alive (R.I.P) he would give Drew a run for his money haha. Also have you guys heard the song Gink Nus by The Beatles? If not listen to it, its trippy. It's Sun King backwards!!!! Weird stuff, man!
     I don't know about you but personally I prefer original versions of songs over remakes. And I feel some songs should just NOT be redone at all. I had this personal feeling about all Beatles songs until I saw the movie Across The Universe, bad movie in my opinion, I did not enjoy it at all, but the soundtrack is AMAZING!!! The movie's a musical and all the songs are Beatles songs and they actually do a very good job. Know I generally feel no one can do the Beatles better than the Beatles but I have a delima with that statement and this soundtrack. There are two songs from it I feel they my have done better than the Beatles, but I can't decide for sure. The two songs are I've Just Seen A Face and Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite did the Beatles do it better or did Across The Universe do a better job with I've Just Seen A Face (which I love this video BTW) and Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite ? Comment and tell me what you think :)
     With all this talk about music I thought to ask have any of you heard the song Crazy Little Thing Called Love? It's by Queen. I love that song, I remember growing up and hearing my mom playing this song. Well we are attempting to play it in my advanced orchestra class. We just got it two class periods ago. I kinda want to just sing instead of play every time we play it. Luckily my friend Emily sits right next to me and my friend Sydney sits right in front of us, so we sing a lot during class :)
     Speaking of my friend Sydney, she started a vlog (video blog) with 4 of her other friends that you guys should check out at :) Also you should check out which is one of my best friends, Michelle's blog. I love Michelle and Sydney, their awesome possum :) Me and Michelle have been writing notes back and fourth addressing them to "Shelly" and "Blondie" which is out nicknames for each other. As you probably already guessed she's Shelly and I'm Blondie. Also if you didn't know there's this new word called "Miva" its a hybrid of the words "movie" and "pizza" haha. I almost accidentally wrote that instead of movie and pizza in a note today :)
     One last thing I would like to say, puppies = pure cheer! Today after school I saw a girl with this small, brown, fuzzy puppy and it was SO CUTE!!!! Every time I see a puppy I go into this sort of trance where all I can say is "look at the puppy!" "How cute" and "AWWWWW!!!!" haha I love puppies :) Well sorry for the length of today's... I kinda rambled. Well thanks for reading it all if you made it this far :)

God Bless


  1. haha i am unofficially having a miva for my bday:) and your hair did remind me of Ivory as soon as he said that

  2. Yay for miva's!!!! And even though it was a nice compliment, when he said that it creeped me out a bit.

  3. you are intensely adorable. :)

    ps. you appeared on the morganic hat challenge runway here :

