Tuesday, September 14, 2010

48 hours

        Last Sunday I was at the mall witha bunch of my friends! Fun right? Well I also got some bad news. My Speech and Debate partner told me she was quitting debate. My event with her was the only event I currently had. So I had a decesion to make, To do debate or quit debate.
       The situation even got worse. My parents were about to pay a lot of money for me to duel inroll in debate. The duel inrollment papers were due Tuesday, that gave me 48 hours to make this HUGE desicsion. Well I went to my history teacher who was in charge of it all and told him my situation. He took my papers and told me to talk to my debate teacher and make a descision before Wendsday and to let him know.
       Monday came and went and I still hadn't made a descision. I loved debate last year but I didn't think I was good enough to do another event without my partner. I went and talked to my debate teacher and she said she didn't want me to quit. Her not wanting me to quit made my descecision for me. I wasn't quitting. So now im in an event on my own, WISH ME LUCK!!!! :)

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