Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

     Well its another beautiful snow day here in my little part of the world. We has a snow day yesterday too but there is something better about today's snow day... I'm not as sick! Yay! I've been sick since Sunday and I am sick of being sick. I have had a fever, a horrible sore throat, and a cough. The fever hasn't been a big problem, actually it was the least of my worries with being sick. The sore throat was the worst of it. It hurt so bad that it I would want to cry (and sometimes did) every time I coughed. Drinking liquids would make my throat hurt but not drinking would make my throat hurt more. I drank so much Sprite, Gatorade, and water. Yesterday morning I had already drank 5 Sprites by the time noon came around. Yesterday I had even lost my voice. The house was a lot more quiet than usual. Today I am a lot better. My throat has pretty much stopped hurting all together, I still have my cough but its not really painful anymore, and I don't have a fever. I can also talk again. I sound horrible and have a voice like a 30 year smoker and a cough to match. But I can talk, so I would say that's an improvement.
     This morning me and my mom played Disney scene it, cause she didn't have to go to work today cause of how bad the snow is. After we finally figured out how to play we had fun with it. I kicked my moms butt. I know my Disney through the whole game I only missed like 5 questions at the most. After we finished my dad, who went to work this morning, brought us McDonald's for lunch and some movies from the Red Box. The first movie we watched was the one I chose, Flipped. I had seen commercials for it and really wanted to see it. My parents hadn't heard of it but watched it with me because of lack of other things to do, and maybe some interest. Personally I really liked it. I thought the movie had a good story, good music, good actors, and was just an over-all good movie. The movie was a love story but its between to kids in the 60's and I thought it was pretty funny and interesting and not too mushy. But then again I love mushy, my boyfriend says I'm a sissy, so whatever I think is not too mushy may still be too mushy for some. You'll just have to watch the movie and decide for yourself. The second movie we decided to watch is the movie we're watching now, How To Train Your Dragon. I've heard its a very good movie but I haven't made a decision for myself yet, ill have to watch some more before I decide.
     Monday was the last day to vote on me and Rebecca's  Secret Project Of Awesomeness. The results are:
Favorite Fashion Theme- Lady Gaga
Favorite Outfit- A tie between my Lady Gaga outfit and Rebecca's classic outfit
Favorite Model- Me
Thanks so much to everyone who voted. I hope you all enjoyed me and Rebecca's Secret Project Of Awesomeness.

God Bless

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