Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines Day

     Ahh! I'm so sorry its taken so long for me to blog! I've been swamped all week between making up work from classes I missed for stuff, and I'm in a play and I've had rehearsal every night this week. My sincerest apologies.
     Well since I have not yet posted about it, I shall post about my Valentines day. Its not the most exciting story but I would have to say it was the best Valentines day yet for me :) School was... well school, but I did hand out those fun trading Valentines. Ya know the ones we would put in everyones awesome little homade Valentines day boxes? Ah I miss that, don't you? I loved Loved, LOVED! making those boxes. I'd have to say the favorite one I ever made was one that looked like a TV set! It was awesome. I also really liked this one I made that was a giant envelope. I didn't get to make a box this year but I did get some awesome Valentines. They were 3D and groovy :) Also at the end of the day in my English class they handed out these Valentines that they sold at lunch the week before Valentines day. I ended up getting one from Drew! It was so sweet it had some chocolate kisses and a beautiful poem. After school I had to go to my violin lesson and Drew had to go to this Junior Youth Symphony practice he had so we didn't get together until later that night. I went over to his house and we exchanged gifts and we just hung out and watched Pretty In Pink; my favorite movie :) It was a great night. I made him a CD called Old School Jams (which is the name of the playlist on my ipod that me, him, our best friend Rebecca, his little brother Denver, and our moms listened to on our way to an amusement park this summer. It's when me and Drew first realized how similar our music interests are. I also made him a card. He loves Batman so I drew a bunch of Batman related drawings.

Here's the cover of the CD I gave Drew

Here's the back with the list of songs on the CD

Here's the card I made Drew
I also made some cookies with my grandma and decorated a couple to give to Drew. I mad one the Batman symbol using icing, sprinkles, and these Reese's things. Drew gave me some chocolates, flowers, and two stuffed animal moose (moose is my favorite animal). It was so sweet and I loved them!
These are the flower's Drew gave me, aren't they beautiful?!

This is the two stuffed moose Drew gave me. I named them Mooses and Meese (like geese but with an "M")

    So I'm still doing my romantic February. I'm sorry to say I haven't gotten any more e-mails. I hope you guys still will e-mail me. Still e-mail me at Also you can still vote for the best couple. You can chose Romeo and Juliet, one of the most famous (if not the most famous) couple in the world. I read the play last year in English 1. Not the best story in the world in my opinion but it was still a good story, and very interesting to read. You can chose Bella and Edward from Twilight. When it comes to Twilight I firmly believe in the clever saying "don't judge a book by it's annoying obsessed fan girls". I read the Twilight books and really really liked them! The movies aren't very good and the fan girls suck but the books are awesome! You can chose Jack and Rose from Titanic, which by the way is on ABC Family tomorrow night. Titanic is an amazing movie, I really like it, its a wonderful love story and I also thoroughly enjoy the history with it. You can chose Noah and Allie from The Notebook. A wonderful movie. A great story of love. I must admit I cried... Lastly you can chose Me and my boyfriend Drew. Which I'm sure you've heard enough about us to make your own decision if not or you want a recap of me and Drew click here
     Well I'm off to my last rehearsal before the play this weekend. Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day, Id love to hear about it if you'd like to e-mail me about it :) 

God Bless   

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