Monday, May 9, 2011

Shrek Is Friends With Disney Princesses

Hey! I know, I know I haven't posted in a long time! I've been either a busy busy bee or a very lazy bee. But no worries nothing real exciting has happend to tell you about. Well April's poll has a tie for its winner. Apparently you guys want to hear more about both school and church in my life. I'll try my best to provide that. For this post I don't really have much but I do have some new photoshop photos :) Enjoy!

Me and my friends as the cast of Shrek
Donkey: Drew
Princess Fiona: Michelle
King: King
Queen: Emily
Fairy Godmother: Sydney
Prince Charming: Charming
Puss In Boots: Me
Ginger Bread Man: Chavis
Shrek: Jake 

Disney Princesses!
Snow White: Tinsley
Ariel: Amy
Sleeping Beauty: Rebecca
Bell: Michelle
Jasmine: Emily
Cinderella: Me

My Friends As The Cast Of Friends The TV Show 
Phoebe: Rebecca
Joey: Brenden
Monica: Michelle
Ross: Drew
Rachel: Me
Chandler: Chavis

God Bless