Monday, April 25, 2011

What Brings Me Down? Rainy Days and Mondays.

Things I Hate:
Being Sick
Drew Being Sick

Things That Happened Today:
I Was Sick
Drew Was Sick

     My day? Not that great. This morning I woke up and didn't feel good so I didn't go to school. Plus to add on to the sucky-ness Drew was home from school sick today as well and it hasn't stopped storming since Yesterday. Once my parents went to work this morning I laid back down and started watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part one, which I got for Easter, and I fell asleep during the beginning of it. I woke up to loud thunder booming and shaking my window. Then I had the lunch of champions: Cheesy taters, Bagel Bites, and a bottle of Coke. Yeah.... That's all I could find. After that I spent most of my day playing Club Penguin. Have you ever played Club Penguin? If not you should check it out. If you want to click here. You have to sign up but it's free unless you become a member. I love being a secret agent on it and going on missions. That's my favorite thing to do. I also like going to the dojo and playing Card-Jitsu. I'm currently an orange belt.
     So around 4 O' clock my mom asked if I was gonna go to my violin lesson that I have every Monday at 5. I felt up to it but there was one problem: my violin was at school. I called my teacher and asked what she thought I should do and I ended up still going to the lesson. I used her violin and she had copies of my music. So as you can see my day wasn't exactly... enjoyable. Oh well bad days come and go and I am hopeful that... THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW! :)

God Bless

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