Sunday, March 20, 2011

Expecto Patronum!

     Does anyone else have the urge to get outside and ride your bike to the mall with a friend? Well I do! I have some cash and some gift cards burning a hole in my pocket. Well actually only one of my gift cards is for a store in the mall and I'm saving most of my money to buy some prescription aviator sunglasses but whatever I still want to ride my bike to the mall with a friend. It's a really nice day outside and I'm just sitting on my couch, blogging, and watching Harry Potter. Now don't get me wrong I love blogging and Harry Potter but I feel lazy. Fun way to start off my spring break, right? Well hopefully my spring break will become more exciting in time. Tuesday, I'm going to Drew's house in the morning and we're going to watch Star Wars from the beginning to as far as we can make it through them. I've never seen Star Wars, sad I know :/
     Well, if you weren't aware, I had my Sweet 16 birthday party last weekend. I had it with my best friend Rebecca. It was more of a success than we ever imagined it would be! Instead of presents we asked everyone to bring a donation. Then we took all the profits and gave it to the National Autism Association. When it was all said and done we had raised almost $800, it was awesome! Well here's some pictures of all the birthday fun:
The Birthday girls

The donation table 


Playing basketball

The rock wall

Doing the Cha-Cha Slide

Pinata! We named him Barns Jimmy, I got very attached.

Michelle was the one who officially destroyed Barns

Playing games

Red light, green light

I think it was a success :)
     Well I'm going to go try to enjoy this beautiful day before it's gone :)

God Bless


  1. ugh, i feel horrible. I should have fixed that star wars problem long ago!!! oh, and ive had fond thoughts of riding my bike as well... we should ride our bikes to Delaware EL SOON-O got it?

  2. oh, and sorry about Barns Jimmy..... not.
