Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday DREW!!!!!

     Well its sad to say that Romantic February has come to an end. But don't think that you can no longer e-mail me! I would still love to hear from any of you! I'm also willing to give advice?? Maybe? Just don't expect a professional answer... lol. Well the winner of this months poll (Best Couple) was me and Drew. We won with 5 votes vs. two votes for two other couples. We are both very honored you choose us :)
     Speaking Drew it is his BIRTHDAY!!!!! WOOHOO!!! I decided to be extra girlfriendy today for his birthday. As well as giving him a present (which was a cool key chain with his initials and cross) and a card (a store bought Batman card for a grandson that I put blue tape over the parts that said "grandson" and wrote "Drew" on them :) I also left him a homemade card in each of this classes today. Also I gave him a cup cake I got from this fancy cupcake place downtown that was peanut butter cup and gave it to him at lunch today :) I think he liked it all. Then tonight I went to his church (as I almost always do on Wednesday nights) but tonight was special because we were celebrating March birthdays! Which mines just happens to be in March too (and Chavis' birthday which was in December but we never really did much for it). It was very nice, we ate ice cream cake, and each kid got a cool homemade card from one of the ladies at the church plus a $10 gift card to Toy's R' Us (which I'm so excited for cause I haven't been there in forever!!!) and a card and a $10 bill from the church family as a whole. Then afterwards us 6 kids went outside and had a war where we flicked bottle caps at eachother, then played Ninja. It was awesome :) Well in celebration of Drew's birthday I thought I would post some funny pics of him :)
Clark Kent kind of glasses on New Years Eve

A funny face

Gettin' his face smushed at an amusement park

Being eaten by a big metal dinosaur



Drew's mask he made for French in 8th grade

God Bless 

1 comment:

  1. I love my brother!:)Happy day after your birthday day Drew!GET FIT, and put away that e-mail!(inside jokes...)
