Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cottonballs, Scuba Steve, and Trixie: Now Theres a Trio!

Well yet another night of preperation for a debate tournament! Ugh. The homework is brutal this time. Since the tournament this weekend is 5 hours away we are missing school tomorrow, which is always fun, but the make up works not. Im missing Algebra II, World History, Biology, and English. Oy! Well the weekend should still be fun! I love hanging out with my friends on these tournament weekends! On the team I have my friends Emily, Brenden, MoJo, Chandler, Mayo, and my boyfriend Drew. I also have a friend named Cheryl on the squad but shes not going this weekend. But me, Drew, and Brenden have aquired new names. Drew is now to be known as Cottonballs. Brenden is now to be called Trixie. And I am now to be called Scuba Steve. If your wondering there really is no story or meaning behind any of these names, their just fun! Plus Drew hates being called Cottonballs and Brenden hates being called Trixie so thats always fun :) Ive gotten tons of my friends to call Brenden Trixie. I even got my Biology teacher to call him Trixie today after school! haha. Well it should be a good tournament! Im doing HI as usual and Im going to try prose. Plus Drew and Brenden are going to be doing a duo! Im very excited for them, their nervous but I know they'll do just fine! :) Well I better get to bed, got a long weekend ahead of me.
Just fyi 17 days until Christmas! :)
Merry Christmas! and God Bless you all!

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