Sunday, December 26, 2010


     Well its the day after Christmas. A lazy day for many, me included. After church this morning I have done almost nothing productive. I came home ate lunch and slept for 2.5 hours. How do I feel about being so lazy today? I love it! I would definatly take this lazy day over school work. Finals week is the week when we get back to school so im going to enjoy my boredom while I still can.
     I don't know about you but I had a good Christmas. It snowed the night before so I had a somewhat of a white Christmas :) I got a new camera (cause my old one was severely messed up) and a new violin case (my old one was falling apart, literally). I good time hanging out with my family and just having a good time. From my aunt I also got the video game Michael Jackson the Experience. The night was spent playing that game and let me tell you it was FUN!!! Watching my mom and aunt play was FUNNY! I definatly suggest the game to anybody who likes Michael Jackson and or likes to dance. Well im gonna spend the rest of my lazy day watching the Rugrats movie.

God Bless :)

1 comment:

  1. are you still gonna blog everyday past the advent time?I think you should, yes?;)
