Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thank you's

Don't you just hate rude people? Its really not that hard to hold a door open for someone or say a simple thank you for a nice deed someone does for you. Rudeness has seemed to over-run our world these days. Now, not everyone is rude all the time, theres always those people that surprise you with those good deeds. When I come across those people, it just brighten's my day. They may mean nothing more than just good mannors by holding open a door or waiting patiently for something you have or are currently using but it always makes my day better. We can easily fix our everyday rudeness in our world just by taking a bit of time to say thank you to someone or to hold open a door for someone when you are in no big hurry, but is rudeness just in our physical world? God has blessed us all with so many things. A lot of times all we see from our day is those bad things like getting a bad grade, slipping on some ice, or getting caught in rush hour traffic, but what about those little things God puts into your day to make you smile? Like the guy who let you in front of him on the drive to work that morning, or the friendly stranger who complimented on your shirt that day becuase they just liked it so much. Not to mention all the other blessings. William A. Ward once said "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" I think thats definatly something to keep in mind. And if you just happen to look back on the little good things to say thank you, you may just find your day wasn't so bad after all :)

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