Wednesday, December 1, 2010

25 days until Christmas!!

      Ok so with (one of) my best friends, Rebecca, as my witness! I have desided to post everyday for the month of December and count down the days until Christmas!!! im pretty stoaked for it :)      So how many of you know someone who dislikes Christmas music? I know crazy right!?!? Well I found out today that my friend Brenden dislikes Christmas music!!!! I just don't understand it... Well he has a new nickname now becuase of it. Brenden is now Mr. Grinch McScrooge man. I have decided to post on his Facebook wall everyday now until Christmas. I will post lyrics to christmas songs and a like to a video of that song on YouTube. Today's was White Christmas :) We'll see how this goes ;) If any of you have a Mr. Grinch McScrooge man (or woman) in your life, feel free to use my idea :)
     So only 25 days until Christmas!!! EXCITED!!! I can now offically use my advent calenders! I have 2 :) I have one on the door of our house. A reindeer is holding it! My other one is just pieces of paper with the dates on the like 25, 24, 23, 22, and so on and then says at the bottom "day's til' christmas."
    I now offically LOVE my history teacher! We had a test today (blah) and he played Christmas music ehile we were taking it!!! YAY!!!! You rock mr. Tate! haha
    Well thats about it for today :) Merry Christmas and God Bless!!! :)  

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