Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hurray for spaghetti!

    Well I don't have a whole lot of rime so I'm going to make this brief. I'm currently sitting next to Rebecca. We are in the middle of the process of this secret project of awesomeness!!!! Well you may not find to THAT awesome but we're sure havin  fun with it! I can't reveal to you what it is just yet but you shall find out either tomorrow or the next day. We just took a break for dinner. Hurray for spaghetti and  garlic bread from courtesy of my mom!
     Not much else to tell you about. I didn't wake up today until 1 PM when my grandma called me with a question about a Christmas present she got me. Good thing she did or I may still be asleep now! jk but I would have at least slept a little longer. Because of my long sleep time though I ended up eating lunch a 3 in the afternoon. Lucky for me I ended up finishing cleaning my room last night! Yay for me!
     Have you noticed my new header? A special thanks to Rebecca for her help with that! And for helping my come up with my new slogan (ya know like McDonald's saying "mmm I'm lovin' it) "For your daily dose of uncalculated good humor." Plus my song of the day will now be located over there to the right above my poll. Also thanks to everyone who voted! Looks like the majority enjoy the Christmas singer Bing Crosby :) An one last thing, thanks to everyone who commented. If I didn't comment back, im sorry, something was up and I couldn't figure it out but no worries now Rebecca and me figured it out. We're not real sure what we did but whatever it was it worked!!!! Well we better get back to work on that secret project of awesomeness!

God Bless

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