Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Polar Express in English

Today went pretty good! I handed out the majority of my Christmas presents and cards and everyone seemed to like them! And the assembly went ok, our first performance was a little iffy but the second one was better. Then after school today me and my friends Madie, Marissa, and Cheryl and Drew went and watched Polar Express in the French room. The movie was for World Language club and we were supposed to be watching it in Spanish, but the teacher in charge had a staff meeting so she told us that if she wasn't back by 3:15 to start the movie. So 3:15 came around and she wasn't back so we started the movie, only problem was it was way too far ahead. So we rewinded it, only problem was when we restarted it, it was back in English. We didn't know how to change it so we just left it, after a while the teacher came back but she never metioned that the movie was in English until the very end and so we ust explainded what happend. Well only 1 more day of school for me and my school and then its Christmas break im both excited and a little sad. Im excited to get some time off school and relax but im a little sad about my friends who are leaving town to visit family. Oh well, im still excited to not have school :) Not much to say tonight, sorry.

Merry Christmas and God Bless

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