Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oscar the hexapus

Cello! (Yet another way to say hello)
     This morning I had to wake myself up at 9:00 am. Well for me on a day I don't have school or church, thats early for me. I generally don't wake up until noon when im on a break from school. So I walked around my house in a sort of sleep induced trance, getting ready, until my uncle knocked on my door... and kept knocking on my door. He kept knocking until I got off the computer and opend the door for him. He was there to pick me up. My grandma, cousin Claire, and me were going to the mall. My cousin Claire (who is three) got two Build-A-Bear gift cards for Christmas. I love Build-A-Bear and thought it would be fun to take my little cousin. Well she wasn't very interested, the whole time all she wanted to do was call me Bill. Oh well, maybe she'll enjoy it more when she's older. After that I got to go Charming Charlie's. Have you ever been to a Charming Charlies store? If not you need to find one and shop at it! It's like the heaven of jewlry. WARNING: If your a boy you probably won't enjoy this store but it's an excellent place to buy girls gifts. I got a gift card to there so I bought me some jewlry! I bought a new ring (I very much enjoy rings) and a necklace with a dove on it :)
     So last night I got REALLY bored last night. So I attempted some photography. Im not sure if its good or not. This is Oscar, he's a hexapus, like an octopus but with only six legs.

      So when my mom got home from work I was just lounging on the couch being bored out of my head! So she told me to go clean my room, *sigh*. Unfortunatly I was actually bored enough to go upstairs and start cleaning my room. Ew. This will probably be a two day job though because I clean my room with the TV on and generally stop every five to ten minuets to watch some TV, then start cleaning again 15 to 30 minuets later. I have about 1/3 of it semi-done right now... Well on that note I better get back to cleaning. Goodnight!

God Bless


  1. Ha now the school system is getting to you, so I am not the only who was so bored they actually listened to their mom and cleaned their room! (:

  2. The only reason I cleaned my room was becuase Rebecca was coming over to do that fashion blog post. And the school system is not getting to me! I never said it was wrong to be bored I just said it was wrong to want to go back to school becuase of boredom
