Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nerf wars, diving cats, and a big musical movie!

Hello people of the internet!
Yet another day of blogging! Well today my boyfriend Drew got back in town after being gone, visiting his family for Christmas. So I went over to his house. We had a nerf war! Me, him, and his little brother Denver. Drew was going down! In the end me and Drew had a truce, agreeing that Denver was the one who went down (I think he just wanted to end it before he totally lost lol). Drew did get a few battle wounds out of it though. I hit him in the eye, the ear, and the cheek. His eye is fine but he couldn't hear out of his ear for a few seconds and it hurt for a while after, plus he had a small mark on his cheek where I shot him. I however walked away from the war scarless, haha! After that we walked down to a park near his house. It was a little chilly out but pretty nice for the most part. I laid on the ground and tried to see shapes in the clouds but there weren't many clouds out and the ones that were out mostly just looked like blobs. I did get one shape out of one cloud. I saw a cat diving! Drew said he thought the cloud looked like a hoarse with five legs, with its back end being a ghost. Once it finally got to where we couldn't stand the cold any longer we walked back. Once we were back we played some video games. Then we watched a movie, ill bet you'll never guess the movie... Blues Clues- Blues big Musical Movie!!! It was awesome :) I didn't get to see the end though :( I guess ill never know how the show turns out... oh well, I guess it will just have to stay a mystery until next time I go over to Drews house. Hope all you guys had a good day too!

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun!My friend Anonymously Me has Nerf wars too, haha:)
